Le grand méchant Loup c'est moi.

She waits, there. The lonely little girl. She waits weeping. Sadness in her green eyes. She doesn't know. Why? For who is she weeping? But she cries. She hides her face. She doesn't want to be seen. It is a little bit embarassing to be crying in front of friends. So, she dries her tears and she shows her greatest smile. All of them believe in it. All of them think everything is okay. But, in the evening, when she comes back home, she let her tears flow. Just when nobdy can see at her.

When people asks her "are you okay?" She hesitates, shuts her eyes and she yawls all which is inside. She has out everything. Her wrath. Her sadness. Her desires. Her tears. Her secrets. She spits out how she feels. She opens her eyes and she just say 'yes, I am". Gaging on her pains.

Alone, like a stone. Sit on the ground. Wearing a green coat. She weeps. Waiting for heartwarming arms. Waiting for shoulders to cry on. Waiting for a person who will know just let her weep and hearing this pain.

She is lost. She is depressing. She has a headache. She has faith no more.

Vendredi 15 janvier 2010 à 23:41

Commentaires et bêtises

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Par Un-sourire-suffit le Samedi 16 janvier 2010 à 22:48
:/ Sometimes, I just want to keep composed but..
I'm so sorry that I can't see you like this. I think that it's bad to be like a stone.. But, I am, too, like this girl.
Please, we love you, we love you so much. No need to cry. Just smile.
"You! You are great!"
Par Gil le Lundi 18 janvier 2010 à 23:02
Let us just a real time to hear you, to know what do you have hung on into your soul. Let tears drop and drain out all of pains. We are present to that.

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